Before you hit the trails, make sure you have everything you need. Hiking boots? Check. Backpack full of essentials? Check. A top pair of hiking sunglasses? Check! Whether you're exploring a leisurely route or trudging up a mountainside, a quality frame will protect your eyes, provide all-day comfort, and give...
Hiking boots are on, water bottles are filled, and keys are in hand. Time to grab the next item of your gear before stepping out the door: hiking prescription sunglasses! Get 20/20 vision to enjoy the view with the best prescription sunglasses for hiking. Our Sports Opticians have curated the...
Climb to new heights with quality hiking sunglasses. Of course, no pair of sunglasses is complete without its lenses, so we're going to tell you which lenses work for hiking and other lens features to consider. Table of Contents 1. The Best Lens Colors for Hiking Sunglasses 1.1. Brown/Copper Lenses...
The best hikes are the ones where you can enjoy your surroundings without squinting from the sun or tripping over objects in your path. That’s where a comfortable and effective pair of sunglasses come in. We’ve compiled a list of our favorite men’s prescription hiking sunglasses that will allow to...
Your passion to explore all mother nature has to offer shouldn't settle for a blurred scene. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best women’s sunglasses for hiking, so you don’t miss a single detail on your trek through nature or your run to that mountain top glory...
It’s that time of year. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and we are stoked about getting outside. There is nothing like that first invigorating feeling of Springtime while hiking your favorite trail. Your burning calves and deep breaths are nothing compared to that spectacular view when you...
Before you hit the trails, you've got to be aware of how to protect yourself while exposed to the elements. Most of us primarily think of protecting our skin, which is very important, but we tend to ignore how vital it is to protect our eyes. Wearing sunglasses while hiking...
Hiking is an amazing way to enjoy the beauty of nature and exercise all at the same time. The only downside to hiking is that you are potentially spending hours in the sun, which can cause damage to your eyes and eyelids. One step to help protect your eyes from...
Los Angeles is an extremely busy city that can easily stress you. Going on hikes is a great way of relaxing and escaping the city for a bit. If you are an avid hiker or just want a weekend activity to disconnect from the heat of the city, here we...