Sometimes sunglasses look so similar, you can hardly tell them apart! This is certainly the case for 2 popular frames, 7eye Diablo vs. Cape. Fortunately, SportRx pays close attention so you don't have to. Stay tuned as Sunglass Rob and Eyeglass Tyler compare and contrast how these 2 7eye frames...
Having trouble deciding between 7eye Bora and 7eye Cape? They're essentially the same pair of sunglasses, after all! Fortunately Sunglass Rob and Eyeglass Tyler from SportRx are dedicated to exposing the slight differences in seemingly identical pairs of glasses. Stick around to compare and contrast 7eye Bora vs Cape. 7eye...
Dry eyes holding you back? Rediscover your favorite outdoor activities with a pair of 7eye sunglasses. Their wind-blocking technology seals moisture in while keeping airborne irritants out. And every pair is prescription ready! So, no more excuses. Find out from Sunglass Rob and Tyler from SportRx which top 3 7eye...