The Ray-Ban Aviator is a timeless frame that continues to be a favorite in the eyewear industry. One of the most popular questions we get at SportRx is, "What size Aviator is best for me?" From the original icon that debuted in 1937 to the bold New Aviator, our Ray-Ban...
Even the most athletic of us need to relax every once in awhile. For all the moments in between working hard and playing hard, a go-to pair of prescription casual lifestyle sunglasses is essential. Whether you're lounging at the beach or attending your favorite relaxing outdoor activity, all you need...
Ready for this year’s Ray-Ban sunglasses new release? Here are the SportRx picks from smallest to largest fit. Continue reading to discover this new collection and be first on the scene with these new looks! Ray-Ban Sunglasses New Release 1. Ray-Ban RB3958 Elon 2. Ray-Ban RB3683 3. Ray-Ban RB4362 4...
Taking time to celebrate 2021’s long Labor Day weekend? From August 23rd through September 7th, enjoy SportRx’s Labor Day glasses sale with Ray-Ban’s prescription visual protection. To help guide your selections, below are the Ray-Ban must haves for the entire family. Labor Day Glasses Sale Top Choices 1. Top Pick...
If you struggle with blinding glare on a regular basis, having polarized sunglasses could prove to be quite helpful. Today, you will learn how to tell if Ray-Bans are polarized and insights on whether polarized lenses may be right for you. Vision through non-polarized sunglasses (left) and polarized sunglasses (right...
It’s that time of year. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and we are stoked about getting outside. There is nothing like that first invigorating feeling of Springtime while hiking your favorite trail. Your burning calves and deep breaths are nothing compared to that spectacular view when you...
With pandemic restrictions lifting and doors opening back up, you'll want to protect your eyes before heading out into the sun this summer. With 100% UV protection, here are the top 7 best men's Ray-Ban sunglasses to take you where you need to go. Best Men's Ray-Ban Sunglasses 1. Driving...
Summer is almost here and it’s time to reup your Ray-Ban wardrobe! With 8 frames combining fashion and function, SportRx gives you the best women’s Ray-Ban sunglasses of 2021. Need them in prescription? You've come to the right place. Let's dive in and get your new Ray-Ban collection started! Women's...
Ray-Ban is known for its commitment to everlasting fashion. Continuing on this journey, Ray-Ban has taken a best-seller and given it a sleek, new construction. For the Ray-Ban Erika fans, Ray-Ban has now released the RB3539 Erika Metal. Ray-Ban Erika Metal Overview 1. Frame Features 2. Sizing 3. Ray-Ban Authentic...