Sunglass lenses for overcast conditions

photo credit: NY Times

The Over It lens combats an issue that a lot of people have, especially for those who live in overcast climates like the Pacific Northwest. Say it’s always foggy and rainy out but you still like to pedal to work every day, like a lot of the bike commuters do in Portland and Seattle. Or maybe you head out for a long ride at 6am when it’s grey and overcast, but it will be noon and sunny by the time you finish. The Over It lens will actually adapt to these changing conditions. The lenses are specifically designed to sharpen contrast when it’s overcast, but still give you sun protection when it gets brighter, which is what makes them a great choice for cyclists and bike commuters who need prescription cycling glasses that will adapt to their varying riding conditions.

They start out to be an amber color, which is what improves contrast, helping you see better in darker, low-light conditions. However, if the sun decides to come out, the lenses will actually darken to become a brown color. And, the amber base tint will actually combine with that brown, so you’re still getting a lot of definition and contrast in addition to brightness protection.

Over It Custom Lenses for Overcast in Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ

Over It Custom Lenses in Oakley Flak Jacket XLJ

We also put a premium anti-reflective coating on it, which helps prevent light from bouncing off the inside of your lens and into your eyes, as well as cut that ugly haze you sometimes get in these muggy conditions.

And what’s really special about these lenses is they’re hydrophobic and oliophobic. The hydrophobic feature keeps your lenses dry by helping water and moisture bead off your lenses. This is especially important in those moist, rainy climates. The oliophobic feature keeps dust and dirt from sticking to your lenses, giving you a clear view of the road in front of you.

So that’s the Over It lens in a nutshell. As far as sports go, they’re really great for mountain biking, helping you to see in and out of shadows and trails. They're also great as golf sunglasses, heightening your ability to read the break and grain of the green. They’ll never get really dark, so if you’re looking for something that’s super dark and polarized, the Win Win lens may be more suited for you. But anything from low to medium light conditions, the Over It lens is the ultimate go-to.

Sunglass Lenses for Overcast, Prescription Sunglasses

Over It Lenses: Transition from Amber to Brown