Oakley Radar and Radarlock
Oakley Radar vs. Radarlock
When making comparisons within the Oakley Radar series of sunglasses, sometimes it’s all in the name. There's an array of sunglasses that fall under the umbrellas of the Oakley Radar and Oakley Radarlock names. So what’s the difference?
The Oakley Radarlock series of sunglasses use Oakley Switchlock Technology. Switchlock Technology is a new way to change your Oakley lenses. It’s an amazing new system that makes swapping lenses easier, faster, and quicker. Besides saving you time and the hassle of the old way of changing out your Oakley lenses, this design also puts less pressure on the frame, which makes for a better and more snug fit, as well as better optics. Each lens is held securely in place without uneven pressures that can bend it and distort your vision.
All it takes to swap out lenses is using the Switchlock button on the inside left portion of Oakley sunglasses that use this system. It’s a simple switch mechanism that let you change lenses in no time, plus you get a nice and stable lens fit on your frame.
Another difference is that Oakley Radar sunglasses only come with one extra set of lenses, while Oakley Radarlock models come with two extra sets of lenses.
So why doesn’t Oakley just discontinue the Oakley Radar series? Well, first, the Oakley Radar sunglasses are super popular. There are a lot of them around, and Oakley wants to make sure parts are still available. Another reason is cost. There are a lot of people that don’t change out their lenses much, so they have the option not to pay the higher cost for the extra set of lenses and Switchlock Technology.
If you do put a high priority on lens interchangeability and more lenses, then you can do no wrong snagging up any of the cool Oakley Radarlock shades. However, if you’re at peace with just one extra set and don’t often change lenses anyway, you can save yourself some cash and stick with any of the popular Oakley Radar sunglasses.
You can check out more Oakley Prescription Sunglasses here! For more sunglass-related questions, you can reach a certified optician at (888) 831-5817 or Live Chate with us 7 days a week!