Optics FAQ

Lens Material Thickness Comparison

Lens Material Thickness Comparison

You thought you'd have your hands full picking what sort of lens features you want, and now you have to pick a lens material too. What's up with that? Stick with us to learn more about the nitty-gritty of lens material thickness. Lens Material Thickness Comparison 1. What to Expect...

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Progressive Lenses for Myopia Control

Progressive Lenses for Myopia Control

Whether you're a new or seasoned prescription-wearer, we're here to help you understand how to maintain the best vision possible. What do progressives have to do with myopia, and what do those terms even mean? Keep reading for a concise and informative explanation of how progressive lenses help with myopia...

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What is Considered "BAD" Eyesight?

What is Considered "BAD" Eyesight?

Think you have bad eyesight? We're breaking down what minus one (-1) eyesight means, and whether you could consider it "bad." Regardless of if your prescription is -1 or not, join us to learn more! What is Considered "BAD" Eyesight? 1. What is Bad Eyesight? 2. How Bad is My...

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What Part of My Eye Prescription is for Reading?

What Part of My Eye Prescription is for Reading?

Need some help figuring out which part of your prescription is for your reading correction? Continue with us to find out a quick and simple answer, as well as how you can determine what's right for an over-the-counter pair of readers. What Part of My Eye Prescription is for Reading...

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Glasses and Contacts Prescription: What is the Difference?

Glasses and Contacts Prescription: What is the Difference?

If you wear contact lenses, you probably have two prescriptions! But how does a glasses prescription differ from a contacts prescription? Stick around as SportRx breaks down the nuances. Glasses vs. Contacts Prescription 1. Glasses Rx vs. Contacts Rx: How do They Differ? 2. How are They Similar? 3. Can...

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Polycarbonate vs. CR-39 Lenses

Polycarbonate vs. CR-39 Lenses

When it comes to investing in a new pair of glasses, you want to know as much as possible before making the final decision. But with all the different types of lens and frame materials available, how do you know which is right for you? Hang with us as we...

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Reading vs. Prescription Glasses

Reading vs. Prescription Glasses

Trying to decide between over-the-counter readers and prescription glasses? There's a subtle, yet key, difference between the two options that makes a big impact. Stick with us to find out the difference between reading vs. prescription glasses, and how to decide which is right for you. Reading vs. Prescription Glasses...

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What is Myopia?

What is Myopia?

Do you find yourself squinting to see? Join us to figure out what myopia is and whether you may have it. Table of Contents 1. What is Myopia? 2. What Causes Myopia? 3. What are the Signs of Myopia? 4. How to Correct Myopia 5. Prescription Glasses at SportRx Eyeglass...

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What Lens Colors are Best for Bright Days?

What Lens Colors are Best for Bright Days?

Love to be in the sun but hate the wrinkle-inducing squinting it causes? We've got a simple solution so you can stop squinting and start enjoying those beautifully sunny days. Continue on to find out which lens colors are best for bright days, blue light, and even light-sensitive eyes. Best...

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